THE BRAVEST WOMAN IN THE WORLD - As Putin declares war by any means he deems necessary, the literal trial and real life tribulation of Russian journalist Marina Ovsyannikova is becoming one of the more poignant stories of our time. Marina defied Putin by challenging Russia Today narratives on the war in Ukraine. Live on TV. Marina’s heroism then and since, makes her one of the bravest people of our time. The consequences of her fight for democracy against the Putin regime, ought to inspire us each to be grateful for our often struggling, yet evolving democracy. Women everywhere might begin sharing this story, of the lone Russian woman who dared ro challenge Putin and champion democracy. Don’t let her sacrifice be forgotten. Please share this post. I share Marina’s words translated from Russian to English to give you some insight into what she is right now experiencing. Marina’s words: “Not only did they close the appeal hearing today, but hid me from the journalists. Suddenly brought not to the Moscow City Court, but to the Shcherbinsky Court. They put me alone in the hall and arranged a video broadcast. Photos and videos of the broadcast were not given to any of the journalists. Why do you think? While awaiting the verdict on unlawful house arrest, I was re-reading George Orwell's "1984" And my poster said: NO MOBILIZATION. Russia has a serious demographic crisis. In recent years, experts have called the population decline catastrophic. 15 years ago, maternity capital appeared in Russia to stimulate fertility. Authorities urged families to give birth to children. The country needs people, we have a huge territory and such a small population. And now what? Have they decided to exterminate the male population? I, like millions of mothers in Russia, gave birth to my son not for war. All human life is precious. We gave birth to our sons to make scientific discoveries, fly to the stars, design new cities, build houses and bridges. And not as cannon meat for the criminal war. After the hearing of the appeal, the unlawful house arrest has remained in effect...”

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